Glenstone Museum
Glenstone Museum, a privately owned museum located in Potomac, MD, engaged Tim Nighswander of IMAGING4ART to photograph three exhibition catalogues: The Inaugural Exhibition, If we could imagine and No Substitute. Shown above is the cover image for Glenstone: The Inaugural Exhibition by Stephanie Rachum, Yve-Alain Bois and Mitchell P. Rales, 188 pages, Glenstone Foundation 2008. Please visit Glenstone Museum to view Nighswander's images.
- Glenstone Museum, a privately owned museum located in Potomac, MD, engaged Tim Nighswander of IMAGING4ART to photograph three exhibition catalogues: The Inaugural Exhibition, If we could imagine and No Substitute. Please visit Glenstone Museum to view Nighswander's images.
- Shown above, the catalogue from the exhibition, Glenstone: The Inaugural Exhibition, by Stephanie Rachum, Yve-Alain Bois and Mitchell P. Rales, 188 pages, Glenstone Foundation 2008. Please visit Glenstone Museum to view Nighswander's images.
- Shown above, the catalogue from the exhibition, If We Could Imagine, by Emily Wei Rales and Jeffrey Weiss, 140 pages, Glenstone Foundation 2009. Please visit Glenstone Museum to view Nighswander's images.
- Shown above, the catalogue from the exhibition, No Substitute, by Jack Bankowsky and Emily Wei Rales, 136 pages, Glenstone Foundation 2011. Please visit Glenstone Museum to view Nighswander's images.
- Willem de Kooning's January 1st (1956), one of the Abstract Expressionist paintings in the inaugural Pavilions installation © 2009 The Willem de Kooning Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS); photo: Tim Nighswander/; courtesy of Glenstone Museum
- Richard Serra, Contour 290, 2004 weatherproof steel 15 feet 6 inches x 223 feet 2 inches x 2 inches (5 m x 68 m x 5 cm) © 2018 Richard Serra / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Photo: Tim Nighswander/Imaging4Art
- Richard Serra, Sylvester, 2001 weatherproof steel Outer spiral 13 feet 7 inches x 41 feet x 31 feet 8 inches (4 x 13 x 10 m) Inner spiral 13 feet 7 inches x 30 feet 8 inches x 24 feet 11 inches (4 x 9 x 8 m) © 2018 Richard Serra / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Photo: Tim Nighswander/Imaging4Art
- Bruce Nauman, My Last Name Exaggerated Fourteen Times Vertically, 1967. Neon tubing with clear glass tubing suspension frame. Glenstone Museum / Bruce Nauman / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photograph by Tim Nighswander / IMAGING4ART
- Jasper Johns, Flag on an Orange Field II, 1958, © Jasper Johns/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY. Courtesy Glenstone. Photography by Tim Nighswander / IMAGING4ART
- Ellsworth Kelly, Chatham V: Red Blue, 1971, Oil on canvas, two joined panels, 9 ft. x 8 ft. 3 1/2 in. (274.3 x 252.7 cm), © 2013 Ellsworth Kelly, Courtesy Glenstone, Photograph by Tim Nighswander / IMAGING4ART
- Joseph Cornell, Untitled (Pinturicchio Boy), 1942-52, Box construction, 35.4 x 28.4 x 9.8 cm, ©The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2015, Courtesy Glenstone. Photograph: Tim Nighswander / IMAGING4ART
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